Next Monday, I head back to the work to speak. As a student teacher, I will not be getting paid for working full time but my host teacher is going to let me be is substitute teacher to get paid when he is gone.
I am currently dealing with knowing that I will not be home with Jonah for 12's going to be so tough. I thought it would be easier because I have been fortunate to have 6 months with him, but I don't think it works that way. Now I know how working moms feel. My biggest fear is that Jonah will say "momma" for the first time to our nanny. Tear, tear...
On a lighter side, the little guy had his 6 month doctor appointment yesterday and weighs 14 lbs, 5 oz, and is now 27 inches! He is getting big! He had his shots...sad for baby and mommy! Jonah is eating peas, green beans, apples, avocados, and yams! He loves food and is still breast feeding. This last month I have worked on preparing baby food and stocking up milk. I think he should be good for awhile.
Here are a couple of pictures that I took a few days ago...
We hope all of our friends and family enjoyed the holidays as much as we we are pooped and need a vacation! We spent several days in Evanston visiting with Grandpa Anderson and Bushia, and Oma and Grandpa. Jonah met several cousins, aunts, and uncles.
We spent a day with the Robison clan before Christmas. Aunt Joyce Robison, Sally Salder and her children came to met Jonah, along with Uncle David, Aunt Lisa, and Julia, Christina, and Mike. Don't forget G.G. (Great Grandma Robison). It was great spending the day with our extended family. Thank you all for driving to see us.
Christmas Eve morning we opened gifts at the Anderson's. They surprised Jonah with a handmade wood car. So cute. First thing Jonah did was stick it in his mouth.
That evening, we headed back over to Robison's house for a crab broil and gifts. Jonah was so spoiled. G.G. gave Jonah a little red chair that Great Grandpa Francis had made for his son, Steven Robison. We spent time visiting Great Oma, G.G., Great great Aunt Hilde (she really is a great woman!), cousin Gunther (from Heidelberg, Germany), Uncle Chris, Great Uncle Tom, cousins Uriah, Melissa, and Terrance. A FULL HOUSE! Josh made it to midnight mass where his mom is the choir director.
Christmas day we made breakfast for Grandpa and Bushia, opened stocking with Oma and Grandpa, and visited with family and friends. A great way to spend Christmas!
We drove home for Zach and Asia's visit, then packed up again to head to Grand Targee to visit Jerry Espey and his family (more cousins!) who came from Missouri and Idaho to ski. We skiied awesome powder and headed back to Pinedale to spend New Year's Eve. We spent that evening at White Pine with Oma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Lilly, Aunt Hilde, and Gunther...and Milli! Wow...driving and family!
Now, we are back in our little abode ready to visit one more cousin, Mark Wilson, who is ready to ski. Josh is back at work and I am spending a couple more weeks with Jonah before starting student teaching on January 25th. I am spending time making baby food, working on homework (ugh), and chillin with the little guy. I hope to get some more days of skiing before I begin student teaching.
I have posted our Christmas and New Year's pictures in a slide show on the right. Enjoy!